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Virtual Classes

Mobile Game Developer (Online)

USD $250

In this intermediate course, students will learn to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build games that can be played on both desktop and mobile devices. 


This course is designed for students who have had prior experience with HTML, CSS, andJavaScript.Using the BSD Online learning platform, students will build a total of five different games — a platformer, a trac game, a nonogram puzzle game, a battle game, and a jumping game. 


Students will develop fundamental skills in programming, learn about game development and design, and explore how to add further customizations to their projects.They will end the course with a tech portfolio of the projects they’ve created, and will be able to use their new skills to move onto more complex projects in the future.


Explore: Students will further develop their understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by working through a progression of five game projects.


Learn: Teachers will lead students through guided projects that teach the fundamentals of game development to create a series of projects on BSD Online. After completing the guided projects, students will also learn how to add further customizations to their projects in sandbox.


Create: Students will create five unique projects throughout this course: 


Reminder to parents: If your child has taken this course previously, please be informed that the course content will be the same.

Monday - Friday

Ages: 9-11
Dates: 15 July to 19 July 2024
Times: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Duration Per Class: 2 hours
Categories: , Class type:


Learn tech skills

  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding languages
  • Hybrid App Development and Design
  • Game Development

Learn soft skills

  • Computational Thinking Skills
  • Design Thinking Skills
  • Creativity

Tech required:
Class-specific Software:
Video Conference Tool - Zoom: https://zoom.us/download

Why we use Zoom: https://virtualclasses.bsd.education/why-we-use-zoom


As long as you have a stable wifi connection and a browser like Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox, you are ready to start building something different!

Here are more specifications that are recommended:

Web Browsers:
Chrome – at least version 66
Firefox – at least version 59
Safari – at least version 11

Internet connectivity is required. At least 1 Mbps is recommended.

Laptop / PC
Any questions?